Emergency Evacuation
Formal transport of rescued birds is generally in pet carriers, but parrots are capable of chewing open any plastic and removing wire door or window guards, so traditional pet carriers should only be used in secure and temporary situations and kept under close observation. The carrier should be clean, undamaged and disinfected immediately after use. A towel on the bottom provides traction. Perches are not necessary.
Food and water are not necessary for short transport of less than 1 hour, but if lengthy transport or delays are expected, food bowls must be secured properlyand water provided periodically or via juicy fruits (grapes, melons, etc).
Covering the carrier is generally recommended, but some birds may panic with visual impairment. Also, some species are prone to motion sickness (macaw species) and should be covered and placed centrally in the transport vehicle. Adult birds need individual containers but nestlings or fledglings can be combined with age-cohorts. Vehicles and carriers need to be cleaned and disinfected after every mission.
In dire situations, birds may need to be evacuated or transported on foot, horseback, by wheelbarrow, motorscooter, and so on.