
Every bird should be scanned and checked for external ID. Temporary marking can suffice for record-keeping.

Birds should be isolated (visual and sound barriers) from mammals.

Predator-prey responses, noise, pathogens, photoperiod, staffing, escape-proofing containment, and climate control need to be tailored to their needs. Cages can be set up inside screen tents to minimize escape risks indoors and outside.

  • Unique requirements for social and aggression needs

  • Mass holding: is it available? Are birds compatible?

  • Individual holding for aggressive adults or id large enclosures are not available

  • Escape proof

  • Climate control

  • 12 hr/12 hr photoperiod

  • no visitors

  • Cleaned daily at minimum

  • Food

  • Usual

  • If bird rations not available, what to feed?

  • Running water where available; where not, the water must be safe and purified of pathogens and toxins water


  • During all phases and particularly at holding/sheltering sites

  • Re-uniting issues

  • Nefarious elements

  • No social media and press access

  • Forensics may be involved

Short-term housing for immediate staging or evacuation

individual cages can be put iside screened tents for extra security against escape

Long-term sheltering after a disaster may have to suffice until the habitat recovers.