
1st Rule: YOUR SAFETY COMES FIRST! do not put yourself in danger.

You cannot help others if you you get hurt, and if you need rescue it will put others in danger and divert precious resources to your needs.

2nd Rule: Work with trained disaster teams and DO NOT SELF-DEPLOY 

These guidelines are ONLY if you are on-location when disaster strikes and there are no other options.

Quick Links

Planning Ahead       The best disaster assistance comes from planning and preparation before it is needed.

Know the Basics         and have some Tools


Essential Training

FEMA 100.c

FEMA 200

FEMA 800

Recommended Training

FEMA Animals in Disaster

FEMA Animals in disaster: Community Planning

FEMA Livestock in Disasters

Essential Training/Certification for Veterinarians

AVMA Disaster  Veterinary First Responder Certification


Module 10: Personal Protective Equipment for Veterinarians

Module 18: Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease

Module 19: Animal Health Emergency Response

Before any crisis strikes, know who, what and where the local wildlife rescue organizations, wildlife agencies, law enforcement and fire/medical first-responders are. Have those contacts in your device and on paper. If you are in a remote location, know your options before you go. Find out if the locale has a disaster plan.