
Projectile Injury, SoCal Parrot

Fledglings killed by vehicles, Loros Barranqueros

Bleach-and-die smuggling event PJL

War in Ukraine, Milos Bicanski

Accidental poisoning, Neerav Bhatt

Humans are the cause of many disasters, large and small.

As the human population grows, the impact on individuals, flocks, species and geographical ranges of psittacines accordingly grows ever more dangerous and extensive. Incidents can be as diverse as diesel spill to armed insurrection, but the common ground is the anthropogenic and disastrous result.

Anthropogenic disasters can be very small in scale yet enormous to a population, for example a powerline misfunction leading to the electrocution of half of a regional psittacine population. Or, vast in scale with the impact difficult to access and victims few and far between, such as an invisible toxic plume reaching hundreds of kilometers over remote areas.

Anthropogenic disasters are the definition of disaster; and have same or worse impact than natural disasters.

Preparations and planning can be much different.

Infrastructure Issues

Armed Conflict

Toxic Fumes

Spills and Pollution